Vincent Ekow Assafuah, Member of Parliament for Old Tafo has been called to the Ghana bar today
Vincent Ekow Assafuah, Member of Parliament for Old Tafo has been called to the Ghana bar today

Over 1000 newly trained lawyers has been called to Ghana bar by the General legal council at its 60th enrollment onto the Roll of lawyers. The Ghana legal counsel convenes a formal meeting annually to enroll. And call to the Ghana bar candidates who have successfully passed their professional law examination organized by the Ghana school of law. After their results have been certified.
The new lawyers are certified by the GLC to begin their legal profession in the country. Which was held at the Accra international conference centre on Friday October, 2023.
According to the lawyers, embarking on this journey was quite dauting. Years of long hours of lectures, sleepless nights, engaging in unending group discussion have finally paid off. They are grateful to their lecturer’s, colleagues and family who played significant role in attaining this success.